Tuesday, June 26, 2012

june 25

Mother Dear!!
So I am doing well. Everything is going good here in Obuasi. Today we hiked up the mountains in Obuasi we got like 5 members to come with us I am pretty sure they’re probably some of the biggest mountains in Ghana. It was really sweet it was pretty scary tho cause there were no trails or anything. So who knows what is by you. By the way back in my old area we were weeding Brother Owusus farm and we found a viper snake. I guess it’s really dangerous and it would kill you if it bit you cause of its venom but brother owusu killed it with a knife it was pretty sweet!!! So Obuausi is like a big town it’s almost like Kumasi. Ok I want to make an example now, this is kinda like how I was feeling those first two weeks. So the church is in Centerville and we have to proselyte in Layton. It costs a lot of money to get there and that is the one thing these people don’t have. To top it all off I swear this is true it’s almost like you are trying to teach a lesson on the strip of Las Vegas in our area, obviously it’s nothing like Vegas but there are just so many people walking around and just music blasting everywhere. It didn’t make too much sense to me why we were proselyting there. So we talked to president cause there is a lot of area that the other missionaries don’t go that you can walk to the church from. So we did and he told us that that is where we’re supposed to be. For some reason the last missionaries liked proselyting in town and having no success but we switched things up so it’s getting better. I don’t mean to complain but it’s more just like the truth. So now we are just trying to find people to teach. I almost have the card filled up. I am pretty sure I am going to send it with Elder Smith I really want the family to go to his homecoming he is such an awesome guy. He is one of my favorites on mission and he is a powerful man you will really enjoy his talk. So let me know if you can cause I want to send some stuff with him. He lives in Morgan and gets home the 15th of August. So obuasi is probably the farthest away from the new mission president. It’s like a two hour drive to Kumasi. So we are just on our own out here. We will only go into town in Kumasi maybe once a month so we don’t get to see really any other missionaries which is hard but it’s somehow nice I guess. Obuasi is probably one of the nicest places in the mission as far as living conditions wise. Cause a lot of foreigners are here so they make everything expensive. The apartment is new cause they just opened this area, I would think it is probably the nicest home in the mission. We even have a water heater which is nice cause the water is freezing cold, I don’t know how cause it’s so hot. But we have a nice place to stay and stuff so I can’t complain about that. I really love my companion me and him get along so well. I think we will have a really good relationship while we serve together. Its funny me and him are the most alike out of any companion I have had. He makes me want to be better and I think I do the same for him at least he says so. So I have a challenge for you mom maybe you can get Laura to join or any of the family! It will be sweet. Okay so I am starting the book of Mormon again and I want you to start it to if you are willing. I really want you to study and understand it. I think if you just take it slow and really try and understand it and pray you will understand it well. That is what I am trying to do at least. One thing that has really helped me is writing down a summary of every chapter or I write down things I really like in the chapter. It helps a lot. So I think you should try it with me. Read 2 chapters a day that is not too much time to give to God a day. So I know you will be willing. So Mom right now we have 3 people that are planning on getting baptized June 8th. They are pretty sweet. We have this one woman her name is Elizabeth she is so humble. So we will pray and hope they will continue to progress so they can make an awesome decision by making a sacred covenant with God.
People don’t recognize the whiteman too much in this town cause there are a lot which is pretty nice. Well mother thank you,  I think we should start writing letters to so I will send you one this week. LLove you!!!!!

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