Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9

Dear Mom/everyone
Well africa here is pretty sweet. News about prince, he has stopped drinking and smoking and is changing his life all together it is so sweet. He is going to be baptized on the 15th. He loves us so much he wants to put a big picture on his office of us haha.  About having the 7 baptisms this sunday, I think it is only going to be 3 now which is kind of a bummer. Two of the people just aren’t ready at all and the others are down in cape coast now. About the Mountain Dew it wasn’t even Mountain Dew it was from dubia and tasted like some shiz haha. I haven't received mail yet I will tomorrow so we will see if I get the package tomorrow. Tomorrow we have zone meeting usually we just have district meeting, but for zone meeting there is around 30 elders.... and I have to teach at zone meeting. I haven’t even taught in district meeting yet but its ok, i’ll be fine. I have been preparing this lesson for over 3 hours. So I hope they will enjoy it. I forgot to tell you about our ward Christmas party haha. It was definitely a different ward party then you would ever expect. For one they were just playing gangster rap the whole time!!! The music they were playing at the party, you wouldn't hear at a club at home it was pretty bad!! Then they had some dance competitions, and these girls just go and dance and are just shaking their stuff. I couldn't even believe it haha. But  I guess I'm in africa so I should expect this kind of stuff. The girl I was talking about that we met through the translator her name is Anna. She is so sweet and we have taught her all about the restoration already, and she is having us over for dinner tomorrow. Talking about meat, I ate dog this week!!!!!!!! I ate Morgan!!!! Honestly if I didn't know it was dog, I would probably say that was my favorite meat I have had here yett!!!  Thanks for the packages that you are sending. I hope all is well at home I love you all so much and the church is so true.!!!
- Elder Francom


  1. Ryan, I never at dog on my mission, but we were offered cake that had sat out on the counter for awhile- it had spider webs all over it. I am sorry, but I refused to eat it. My companion forced hers down. When the man who gave it to us came back in the room, I told him my companion wanted another piece. She about killed me. :)

    I am glad to hear all is well. I love you. Stay safe! Cheryl

  2. Whoops- I meant "ate dog", not "at dog". I should learn how to spell!
